Poverty in Hong Kong
Source: Hong Kong Poverty Situation Report 2012 
                        Chapter 5: A Detailed Analysis of the Poverty Situation in 2012
Serving the Elderly, Disabled and Families of Low income

More than 1.47 million people live in poverty. About one in five Hong Kong people live a poor and deprived life, struggling to afford three square meals a day and shut out of normal social interaction.

Ways that Urban Nexus Helps Hong Kong Become a Better Society

We take these issues very seriously and we endeavor to bring answers to these issues in a very practical way. We partner with 9 elderly homes and social centers that work with children, youth and elderly that have low income. Our goal is to promote their sense of belonging, sense of security and sense of value through regular visits, food distribution and performances that will bring a message of peace and hope.
Urban Nexus
Poverty in Hong Kong
• 21% of people in Hong Kong are living in poverty when they have both a low income, i.e., below $6,250 per month, according to the Macpherson equalized scale, and a low standard of living
Hong Kong
Child Poverty in Hong Kong
• Child poverty is a serious problem in Hong Kong: more than one in four children (27% of all children) in Hong Kong live in poverty.
Child Poverty in Hong Kong
• 126,000 children (12% of all children) lack at least one school learning-related item or activity, such as either a computer with internet connection at home, extra-curricular activities (e.g. sports, music), or tutorial lessons after school.