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Thankful for our volunteers


We are so VERY thankful for our weekly volunteers that come to our
feeding evening programs! They are a VITAL part of our ministry! Today Special Thanks to David, Rene and Yoonnee! WANT TO VOLUNTEER? join us!
我們非常感謝每星期前來幫助我們糧食派發的義工!他們是我們事工不可缺失的一環!今又特別鳴謝來自美國的David, 香港的Rene 和新加坡的Yoonnee!快來加入我們的義工團隊吧!

Happy People at Sam Shing

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Last Friday in Sam Shing.
We had 71 people coming and they were happy to receive the expensive healthy garlic! We even had 1 person who said she no longer wanting to join the programme few weeks ago but came back. Another person who didn’t come for a long long time appeared with his son again.The garlic box they were carrying was a good advertisement for others to also come and get one.We had new people coming signing up.

Students improve through English Corner

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Youth Services and English Corner
We are seeing a lot of students join our English corners. We are meeting in a fun and relevant way that helps students to feel at home. Practising their English in a comfortable atmosphere, English corner is a place where they can make friends and improve their speaking skills at the same time! Each week has a topic of discussion that helps students to understand better the important issues of life! Even their teachers encourage them to join English corner! These are great times!